Surrounded by legend and folklore are Namibia’s two ‘bottomless’ lakes –
Otjikoto, distinguished by it emerald-green waters, and Guinas, by its
mystical inky-blue depths. Both lakes lie north-west of Tsumeb –
Otjikoto 24 kilometres along the road and Guinas on a farm 32 kilometres
further west. Lake Guinas is therefore less accessible, and can be
viewed only after obtaining the farmer’s permission.

Lake Otjikoto was discovered by the two explorers Galton and Andersson
in 1851. At the time they measured its depth as 55 metres, an assessment
that was proved accurate by subsequent plumbings (the depth varying
from 33–90 metres). At 100 metres, Guinas is somewhat deeper. However,
the legend that Otjikoto was bottomless persisted. It was possibly this
notion that led to the dumping of a considerable supply of artillery and
ammunition into its murky depths by retreating Schutztruppe, rather
than let the armaments fall into the hands of the South African troops.
Many years later, in co-operation with the Windhoek State Museum, divers
salvaged some of the equipment, among others an ammunition wagon still
in perfect condition, which can be viewed in the Alte Feste Museum in
Windhoek, and canons and other armaments that were restored and are now
displayed in the Tsumeb Museum.

One of the many legends that surround Lake Otjikoto is that the body of
Johannes Cook, a postmaster of Tsumeb who drowned there in 1927, was
never found because the lake was bottomless. In fact, because Otjikoto
is shaped rather like an upside-down mushroom, it is thought that his
body was caught under one of the overhangs.

Both these lakes lie in the Otavi mountain-land, which consists of a
thick succession of well-stratified dolomite and limestone about 700
million years old. Being carbonates of calcium and magnesium, these
rocks are soluble in water, especially if they contain some carbon
dioxide. The rocks are criss-crossed by a system of solution channels
that have generally developed on joints, fracture zones or bedding
planes, which become partially filled with groundwater. Now and then big
cavities are exposed by weathering, or the roof caves in when it
becomes very thin, as in the case of Otjikoto and Guinas. These solution
channels lead away from them, although the two lakes need not
necessarily be directly connected. The lakes are fed by water seeping
through porous rock from southern Owambo.
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