Lianshulu Lodge under new Ownership

The ownership consists of Dutch nationals Alexander Van Heeren and Peter Van Langeveldt as well as Dusty Rodgers who is well known in the Namibian Tourism & Hospitality Industry and Reinhardt Küsters, a local shipping entrepreneur.
Lianshulu Lodges which includes Lianshulu Main Lodge and Lianshulu Bush Lodge on an 800 ha private concession in the Mudumu National Park along the Kwando River as well as Matota Island Lodge, situated on the Mudumu National Park cut line inside the Bayelerwa Conservancy in the Eastern Caprivi Strip of Namibia, will be incorporated into a fully fledged marketing & management company known as The Caprivi Collection with central reservations and marketing based in Swakopmund under the management of Anette Küsters who too is no stranger to the travel and airline industry in Namibia.
The company has already embarked on extensive renovations and refurbishments of the properties and Lianshulu Main Lodge is now open for bookings with the remaining two properties opening on a gradual phase-in as business demands this.
This development will see the company having traversing rights through over 300 000ha, equal to the size of Belgium, of one of the most pristine and unspoiled natural wildlife areas which now form part of the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA) spanning Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Angola.
Further to local activities, the company will soon offer access to safari circuits in Botswana via its own border post at Lianshulu Lodge.
A range of exclusive activities which includes river trips, transfers, bush picnics and overnight fly camps will be on offer with our affiliated properties within the area.
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