Christmas is a tradition celebrated across the world. Not all traditions are the same and not all countries celebrate it on the 25th of December.Some countries don’t even celebrate it at all. In Japan, Akihoto is an emperor who celebrates his birthday on 23 December. His birthday is a National Holiday but not 25 December. In Georgia, Christmas is celebrated on the 7th of January, which is 25 December on the Julian Calendar. Everywhere in the world, Christmas means something else to each and everyone. To you it may mean getting together with your family around a big table with laughter and delicious food, but to the man with no shoes, begging on the street corner, it’s just another day with no hope for tomorrow. To a child it’s the excitement of the new toys he can play with, but to a mother who lost her child earlier this year, it’s just a day of pain. I’m not trying to evoke an emotion of pity, this is just reality. It’s the time of year we all get overly emotional. Are you planning to spend Christmas in Namibia and want to know how its done? You are welcome to use some of the tips and ideas for your celebrations.
The celebrations
German Christmas celebrations are held on the 24th of December. The Christmas meal is one of the most important parts of the celebration. It is prepared with the utmost care and effort. The presentation of the table is an elegant affair and family and friends are invited to join this special meal. A variety of Christmas cookies which are known as Weihnachtsplätzchen are made especially for the day, like : Lebkuchen – traditional German gingerbread, Bethmännchen – traditional marzipan cookie, and Dominosteine – Gingerbread with marzipan & chocolate.
The Oshiwambo Christmas is also a feast. They believe Christmas is about sharing. You can go from house to house and drink traditionally made drinks. Big celebratory braais (barbeques) are held and everyone is invited. Families drive 100s of kilometers to get together for this very special day.
The Caprivian Christmas has one very important factor. Church. Christmas day is started off with a church service. On this day you wear the most expensive dress or suit that you own and it is usually not your everyday attire. It is a garment that stays in your cupboard for special occasions. Most people in these areas do not earn a lot of money so these outfits they have, are extra special. Months of savings money have been used to afford it. Every family prepares a traditional meal for a sit-down dinner.
The Herero traditional Christmas is focused very much on the young ones. The children have to practice a play before Christmas, and on the day, perform this play for the adults. A feast of delicious cuisine and singing follows.